Richard Gearhart and Elizabeth Gearhart, co-hosts of The Passage to Profit Show, along with iHeartMedia Maven Kenya Gipson interview Robert B. Simon from Robert Simon Fine Art.
Join us for an enthralling journey into the art world with renowned dealer Robert Simon, founder of Robert Simon Fine Art, who shares his fascinating career from academic beginnings to discovering a lost Leonardo da Vinci. Dive into the vibrant world of art exhibitions, uncover the mysteries of identifying anonymous masterpieces, and explore the intriguing realm of rare geological concretions. Whether you're an art enthusiast or curious about building wealth through art, this episode is packed with insights, stories, and a touch of serendipity that you won't want to miss! Read more at:
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a startup, an inventor, an innovator, a small business or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, tune into Passage to Profit Show for compelling discussions, real-life examples, and expert advice on entrepreneurship, intellectual property, trademarks and more. Visit for the latest updates and episodes.
Starting a business or interested in starting one? In this episode, get sound advice from Lisa Ascolese, aka "The Inventress" is the founder of...
This episode of The Passage to Profit Show features Michael Rose from Academy Service Group, Rachel Kellner and Mark Libertini from Aigner Chocolates and ...
Sahir Zaveri is the Co-Founder and CEO of King Children - a custom eyewear company which aims to give everyone unique, custom designs made...