In this episode, hear from Dana Chanel who started a successful Christian App with her family which is dedicated to empowering the Christian community spiritually and financially. The success of her company, Sprinkle of Jesus, has given millions a platform to show Christians how to create financial freedom for Christians through entrepreneurship. People can join the company’s revenue driven programs or receive consultations on how to start a Christian owned business to be passionate about. You can visit her website at
Featured Pitch Presenters:
Eric Goldner with SkyValet Luggage, which created the world’s first luggage with built in wireless USB and phone charger, Shark Wheels® and a magnetic front pocket and more, at
Stephanie Lashley with MOAN – Mothers of Angels Nearby, a support group for parents of children who have passed on, at
John Rondi with Student United App, the app that matches student tutors to each other based on their complimentary skills, at
Visit the for updates and the current pitch contest.
In this episode, David is President and Chief Investment Strategist of Point View Wealth Management, Inc., provides investing advice for entrepreneurs. David's firm is...
Sandy Wollman is the Co-Founder & Managing Director of Westchester Angels, a member based angel investment group focused on funding startup companies as well...
Richard Gearhart and Elizabeth Gearhart, co-hosts of The Passage to Profit Show along with Kenya Gipson interview Justin Crosby and Jason Anderson from the...